Sunday, April 20, 2025
01536 799528

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The Centre at Mawsley



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About The Centre at Mawsley

Welcome to The Centre at Mawsley website! The place where you can find out all about your community centre, including what events are being held here, what sports are being shown on our Big Screen, what promotional activity is happening, what facilities are on offer to you and how to get involved with our many village groups.

Our community centre is truly unique and a fantastic facility that we should all be proud to call our own. It is run by the community for the community and it is unique because there is no another village in the country that has such a wonderful building, fully staffed at all times for the sole purpose of a better village life for us all.

The Centre at Mawsley is an attractive venue that offers superb value for money. It is modern and comfortable, with under floor heating throughout.

Whether you wish to hold a Wedding, Birthday party, Christening celebration, a conference, interviews, seminars or training, The Centre at Mawsley is your perfect venue.

We have the flexibility to meet your needs, with two meeting rooms and a large main hall. There is also a comfortable lounge and bar. The playing fields alongside The Centre are available for outdoor training and team building activities etc...

We promise friendly and efficient service too. Our staff are available at all times to discuss your requirements and for regular planning meetings to ensure you stay in control. Mawsley is a quiet village, set in the Northamptonshire countryside.

The Centre at Mawsley
9 The Green
NN14 1GY

01536 799528
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